Thursday, December 17, 2020

Cloves(Eugenia Caryophyllus)


Cloves are used in many culinary applications, 

spice blends such as pumpkin spice

tea blends like Chai, as well as liqueurs and wines. 

In dentistry, Clove essential oil has been 

used for its analgesic. 

Medincinal use:

Oil of Cloves has been distilled from the buds, 

leaves and stalks, is a valuable commodity,

a strong antiseptic and preservative,  

is  also used as mouthwash and in 

gargle preparations.  The 

 eugenol content in cloves seems to slow blood clotting 

which might be harmful to people 

with bleeding disorders; consult your doctor or 

healthcare practioner before use.  

particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.



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