Friday, December 25, 2020



Spices and Herbs

 For the Worth of it

For most of us to think of food, we will readily reflect upon a piece of chicken, steak, or some type of protein source before we would say I want a spice or an herb to compliment our meal.  However, my dear friend, simply put; we all have a tendency to follow the market more than we will lead.  With that said, the marketplace does not lead us to think of spices and herbs when it's time to eat, so we don't readily give any thought to herbs or spices.  

Mama Jean's  HolisticFarmacy has recently concluded that before we think of meat in the physical form as we've always done; let's start thinking about our health by including spices and herbs, first.  Before changing our diets, we must consider that we were designed by a Higher Power who destined each of us to live a long life, enjoy good health,  live in happiness;  That expressly includes how we use food.  One thing, in particular, is this:  

Genesis 1:29 

And God said,  "Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which has fruit yielding seed, to you it shall be for meat.

And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creeps upon the earth; wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat:  And it was so,,,.  

The previous Biblical statements; simply, tend to mean that we somehow have started doing something other than what The Heavenly Father said.  The more painstaking the work we have employed of the Holy Writ: Just maybe, there could be another message to take hold of.  Start to learn what the true value is of herbs and spices for the health of our body' and for God's Sake; Seek and you shall find Good Natural Health.

noted by:  Sis 'U'

published by:  Jean Lee

Reseacher:  Ayse Imani U-R-Mee

Monday, December 21, 2020

Four -Thieves Vinegar


four thieves vinegar: myths & history

four thieves vinegar: ancient remedy, modern uses

While this garden remedy may or may not have helped grave robbers and thieves to stave off the plague that ravaged Europe centuries ago, it seems modern herbalists and gardeners have revived the interest in this garden remedy. Many herbalists use it as a cleansing agent – transferring it to a spray bottle and using it to clean and sterilize kitchen counters or bathrooms; indeed, many of the herbs posess strong antimicrobial effects and vinegar, in any case, makes an excellent natural cleanser. Others recommend using Four Thieves Vinegar in personal care, diluted with water of course, as a cleansing agent for the skin or as an astringent. Among neo-Pagan circles, Four Thieves Vinegar is thought to have protective qualities and some swear that if you dress your doorstep with the vinegar, it’ll keep your enemies away., online,1217/2020

Image result for four thieves vinegar history
Mythology. The usual story declares that a group of thieves during a European plague outbreak were robbing the dead or the sick. ... Another version says that the thieves had already been caught before the outbreak and their sentence had been to bury dead plague victims; to survive this punishment, they created the vinegar ...
google, onlinne, 12/25/2020

Was Thieves oil used during the plague?
According to the long-told historic tale…. The use of thieves oil dates alllll the way back to the year 1413. The time of the infamous Bubonic Plague (aka The Black Death) that devastated a large portion of France. ... The thieves never contracted the plague, despite the close contact with the Black-Death victims.Dec 11, 2016...onlie, 12/25/2020

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Nutmeg(Myristica fragrans)


Nutmeg seeds are dried over a period of six to eight weeks 

as the nutmeg itself shrinks away 

from the hard outside coat, 

the shell is broken to remove the nutmeg kernel 

and then crushed into a powder.

Nutmeg is the pit of a fruit that is similar to an apricot

Powdered nutmeg can be used 

in a wide variety of baking recipes. 


It also goes nicely with root vegetables, 

also with dark meats and when grated it offers

 most intense flavor, 

also when used whole.

Nutmeg has an aromatic, sweet, woody flavor, 

with hints of clove.

Nutmeg is narcotic,

but is not problematic when used in a domestic recipe, 

 is also an astringent, a stimulant, and an aphrodisiac. 

Consult with a healthcare practitioner 

before using any herbal products, 

particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or 

on any medications.


Ginger(Zingiber Officinale)



 Internal use of ginger can be helpful 

with soothing upset stomachs, 

preventing dizziness, nausea and motion sickness, 

and easing pain and cramping during menses. 

A variety of studies have 


demonstrated anti-inflammatory 

and pain-relieving properties 


a strong antioxidant effect.

Consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner 

before using any herbal products, 

particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or 

on any medications.


Cloves(Eugenia Caryophyllus)


Cloves are used in many culinary applications, 

spice blends such as pumpkin spice

tea blends like Chai, as well as liqueurs and wines. 

In dentistry, Clove essential oil has been 

used for its analgesic. 

Medincinal use:

Oil of Cloves has been distilled from the buds, 

leaves and stalks, is a valuable commodity,

a strong antiseptic and preservative,  

is  also used as mouthwash and in 

gargle preparations.  The 

 eugenol content in cloves seems to slow blood clotting 

which might be harmful to people 

with bleeding disorders; consult your doctor or 

healthcare practioner before use.  

particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.



Black Seed(Nigella Sativa)

Black Seed Herb

(Nigella Sativa)

Also known as black cumin, black caraway, 

Roman coriander, black onion seed, fennel flower, kalonji, 

or Habbat Al Barakah (Seed of Blessing), 

black seed and it's preparations 

have been known to treat digestive and respiratory illnesses, 

infections, high blood pressure, 

and menstrual cycle imbalances. 

Historically, it has been used as a medicinal 

for over 2000 years. 

It was even discovered in King Tut's tomb, 

as it was believed to assist him in the afterlife.

online, 12/17/2020

Friday, November 27, 2020


Your Herbal Advisor

Sister 'U'


I hope to be an 'Herbal Voice' for you, now and many years to come; steering 

you into Wellness.

There are nestled away various abstracts of old which I sometimes wonder about; 

some times rather lengthy, and some ever so briefly.

However, as I research; daily, 

I've pondered over sorted manageries;

all-the-while unveiling and unraveling 

metaphors, parallels, myths, and mainly mysticals


dibbles and dabbles

into factuals'

Yo' Nigra Natura Oscura

Follow me;  If you dare

Thursday, October 15, 2020

6 Interesting Facts About Hemp

6 Interesting Facts About Hemp

MJ Arsenal
Hemp is a widely misunderstood plant. It has all kinds of benefits and uses. From its ability to purify contaminated soil, being a durable and sustainable manufacturing material, all the way to its health benefits as a superfood, hemp is hempsational!
Here are six interesting facts about hemp:

1. The first Ford Model T was made out of hemp

In the 1940s, Henry Ford intended on building cars from hemp. In fact, the first Model T was constructed from hemp and ran on hemp biodiesel. The hemp plastic panels on the car had an impact strength ten times stronger than steel. This isn’t surprising because hemp contains one of the strongest and longest plant fibers of any plant on earth.

2. Hemp can be used to build houses

Speaking of building with hemp, Hempcrete, a bio-composite of hemp hulks and lime, is showing promise for quickly becoming the building material of the future. This fire-proof, bug-resistant material gets stronger the longer it sits instead of decomposing. Hemp has been used to build many homes around the world already.

3. Hemp is a sustainable alternative to plastic

Plastic is made out of cellulose and hemp is known to have a high cellulose content. While the cost of producing petroleum-based plastic is significantly cheaper, the benefits of hemp-based plastic still outweigh its counterparts. Hemp is a more sustainable choice, being that it is biodegradable, durable and non-toxic.

4. Growing hemp plants helps clean up radiation

Hemp plants can also help clean up the hazardous mistakes of humankind like it’s doing in Chernobyl, the site of one of the worst radiation disasters known to the world. How does it help you ask? Hemp can remove radiation from the ground and air. The contaminated plants are then cut down and burned. This process is known as phytoremediation.

5. Hemp is a superfood

The incredible hemp plant is edible too! It makes amazing livestock feed and is considered to be a superfood for humans. Hemp seeds contain a balance of essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and omegas. On top of that, they are also an excellent source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a nutrient found in breastmilk.

6. Unlike marijuana, hemp won’t get you high

With only 0.003% THC, hemp won’t get you high. The only high you will get from hemp is the high on life you experience when you start doing the things you love again without the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and pain that so many people suffer with.
Sharing is caring. Pass on the knowledge you’ve learned about hemp to others. A greener, cleaner, healthier and happier tomorrow could be a day away if only we would choose hemp in our daily lives.
Noted by:  Sis 'U'
Published by:  Jean Lee 

Monday, July 20, 2020

'today's best'

Mama Jean's Greens

Features 'today's best'


Provence de France

Blended Spices
Enhance your immune system
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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hawthorn berry

Hawthorn berry

Search Results

Featured snippet from the web

9 Impressive Health Benefits of Hawthorn Berry
  • Loaded with antioxidants. Hawthorn berry is a rich source of polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidant compounds found in plants ( 2 ). ...
  • May have anti-inflammatory properties. ...
  • May lower blood pressure. ...
  • May decrease blood fats. ...
  • Used to aid digestion. ...
  • Helps prevent hair loss. ...
  • May reduce anxiety. ...
  • Used to treat heart failure.
Aug 26, 2019

Never take anything that has not been authorized by or recommened and researched by your Physician


Health Benefits: Okra

Health Benefits:  Okra 08/07/2024,