Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Broccoli Offers

Broccoli Offers You


Broccoli is a great source of 
vitamins K and C, a good source of folate (folic acid) 
and also provides potassium, fiber. Vitamin C 
– builds collagen, which forms 
body tissue and bone, 
helps cuts and wounds heal. 
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant 
and protects the body 
from damaging free radicals.
online, 9/16/2019, Google

Monday, September 16, 2019


Cauliflower Offers You

Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable 
that is naturally high in fiber and B-vitamins. 
It provides antioxidants and 
phytonutrients that can protect against cancer. 
It also contains fiber to 
enhance weight loss and digestion, choline 
that is essential for learning 
and memory, and many other 
important nutrients.Aug 18, 2017

online, 9/16/2019, 



Frischer und Knusper Sommer Salat für ein bisschen Detox *** CRUNCHY DETOX SOMMER SALAD

Ready for some salad love? This Crunchy Detox Salad is an ultra simple recipe both for the salad and its dressing. It’s made with fresh, local and organic ingredients that are crisp and bursting with flavor

pinterest, 9/16/2019, 0nline

Friday, September 13, 2019

MaMa Jean's TasteeTeas

Here's to your Good Health
a beverage company

Morning Bliss, med-tub
Mid-Day Boost,med.-tub
Evening Soothers, med-tub

special promo

$9.00 med-tub
for those you want Healthy
order your Three-Tub-Gift-Pak
$21.00 Promo
Join Our Tea Party

Jean Lee has searched for such a long time; and now, she has found, at 69 yrs old,
the most wonderful taste of Black, Premium, and Blended Teas(Specialty Teas). These (imported) teas are made with your good health in mind. Join our Tea-Party, today With your first three-tub-pack order, we register you as a new member of our Tea-Party. You will find that our teas assist you in the process of getting healthy; helps you establish /maintain mental alertness, and helps protect your inner body health.

Here at Jean Lee TasteeTeas, we want to partner with you while doing our part in keeping your immune system in tune, your body resilient, and keeping you, Heart-Healthy. Jean Lee has spent most of her entire life helping so many people improve their lives in various ways. And, now she has stumbled upon the Best Kept Secret that exacts what each of us needs to:

Eat Healthy

Be Healthy

Stay Healthy

Request your 'Three-Tub-Gift-Pak' TasteeTeas, today.,
(Imported Loose-leaf Teas)

We're looking for Interested Partners/Quality Investors/in our Tea Store Promotions


Jean Lee
Sis 'U'
Ayse Imani U-R-Mee

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

This Too Will Pass

This Too Will Pass

Often times, we encounter sickness, allergies, and sometimes, we experience pain.  We think, OMG, and say to ourselves, "This is the beginning of my end". We think the worst, we allow horrible thoughts to inhibit us.   In some instances, the first thing we do is call the doctor.  In most instances;  if we stop to think; that is not what we should do.   

If, for a moment, you could take a second to cautiously think, "this is the moment for a natural health-home remedy", and say, "this too will pass".  In fact, if you have been eating properly, digesting your veggies on the regular; choosing wisely from your herbs and spices, with or in your foods, and drinking specific teas(Green, Black, White, Pu' erh, or Hemp).   You could possibly realize to say, I can conquer this problem.  

If you could instinctively be guided;  whereby avoiding any ailments, sickness, or pain, you would understand preventive Natural Health home- remedies' and adopt the phrase ,  "This too will pass".  

Herbs, spices, teas, seeds, powders, and oils have healing powers within them.  Finding a worthwhile 'home remedy' for your pain, sickness, or ailment may be a treasure in itself worth it's weight in Gold.  First and far most, realizing the source of your condition is vitally important.  It has been said, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".  And, in most cases, you must know, "This too will pass".

Mysicesnherbs has finally found a uniquely qualified approach to countering the common cold; a troublesome bother to everyone.  When you try it once; you will recommend this simple 'home remedy' to your friends and family.  Make 'myspicesnherbs' the 'Apothecary' 
your local Natural Health 'home remedy' source.

Whatever the sickness, allergy, pain, ailment, illness, inflammation, or misery, remember 
"This too will pass". 

Contact us, Today:
Call/txt:  215-594-6414
email us:

offered by:  Sis 'U'
published by:  Jean Lee
Ayse Imani U-R-Mee

An Array of Foods

An Array of Foods
with Anti-oxidants

Boost your intake of a variety of antioxidants with these healthy foods

The following is a list of different kinds of antioxidants and foods that are high in each.
• Allium sulphur compounds: Leeks, onions, garlic
• Anthocyanins:
 Eggplant, grapes, berries
• Beta carotene: Pumpkin, mangoes, apricots, carrots, spinach, parsley
• Catechins:
 Red wine, tea
•  Copper:
 Seafood, lean meat, milk, nuts, legumes
• Cryptoxanthins: Red peppers, pumpkin, mangoes
• Flavonoids:
 Tea, green tea, red wine, citrus fruits, onion, apples
• Indoles: 
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower
• Lignans:
 Sesame seeds, bran, whole grains, vegetables
• Lutein: 
Corn, leafy greens (such as spinach)
• Lycopene: Tomatoes, pink grapefruit, watermelon
• Manganese: Seafood, lean meat, milk, nuts
• Polyphenols:
 Thyme, oregano
• Selenium:
 Seafood, offal, lean meat, whole grains
• Vitamin C: Oranges, berries, kiwi fruit, mangoes, broccoli, spinach, peppers
• Vitamin E:
 Vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, seeds, whole grains
• Zinc:
 Seafood, lean meat, milk, nuts
• Zoochemicals: Red meat, offal, fish


Foods that contain Polyphenols


Flavanoids n FoodsImage result for food that contain flavonoids

Food for Thought

Today's Food For Thought

A Naturally Healthy Body

Most of the time, we mis-step daily when it comes to doing what we should for ourselves.  We have a tendency to think about how we affect others, how we look to others; but, it may be better that we give more attention to the natural health of our body. 

Foods We Eat.  Relative to food consumption, we, simply, eat to fill our tummies.  We really don't think about what goes into the body; we just make sure we get full of whatever we chose to eat. But, the thing is this; we should first care about what we are consuming; such as mixtures, potions, beverages, most importantly drugs and chemicals, expressly, nowadays.   Also, more importantly, we should know how chemicals interact with and affect us:  mind and body. Most of what we eat has been affected by a chemical or two; if we should give or take a few.  I have discovered a few age-old  'Home Remedies' everyone should learn and know about, even to the degree of replacing specific foods which we love to eat. 

Your Good Health  Your good health is the primary reason you must consider the benefits of all the foods or the lack thereof; when taking care of your body.  Please acknowledge this, "your body was a gift to you to use the rest of your life". Even though,  you may not know the exact proponents to make your body strong and healthy.  It is, indeed, widely known how to build and maintain a strong naturally healthy body.

Most of us think that we can eat whatever we want or as much as we delight in; when we want.  However, too much entering the bodies' system at a certain time, may lead to a very serious health problem resulting with you receiving a curb ball; physically, in theory, or in permanent loss.  

A Strong and Healthy Body  Some people think it is expensive,  to maintain a strong and healthy body;  that is, definitely, not true.  A body needs to be; firstly,  Cleansed/Detoxed from various properties (poisonous agents, viruses, bacteria, or germs that invade) affecting a complete healthy system.  Subsequential to cleansing,  the body should be maintained with daily portions of herbs, nuts, spices, fruit, vitamins, and minerals.  And thirdly, the consumption of clean drinking water; is a must.

Simple Solutions I believe all your eating habits should be relative to a strong and healthy body which require a few simple solutions.   Yet, as members of the hu-man species; we should all learn how to establish and maintain a naturally healthy body. 

Noted by:  Jean Lee 
published by: Sis 'U'
Ayse Imani U-R-Mee


Health Benefits: Okra

Health Benefits:  Okra 08/07/2024,