Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Hawthorn berry

Hawthorn berry

Search Results

Featured snippet from the web

9 Impressive Health Benefits of Hawthorn Berry
  • Loaded with antioxidants. Hawthorn berry is a rich source of polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidant compounds found in plants ( 2 ). ...
  • May have anti-inflammatory properties. ...
  • May lower blood pressure. ...
  • May decrease blood fats. ...
  • Used to aid digestion. ...
  • Helps prevent hair loss. ...
  • May reduce anxiety. ...
  • Used to treat heart failure.
Aug 26, 2019

Never take anything that has not been authorized by or recommened and researched by your Physician

God said..,

God Said

Genesis  1:29, kjv

And God said, "Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which has fruit yielding seed, to you it shall be for meat.

And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creeps upon the earth; wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so".

Sister 'U'
Jean Lee



We have heard so much about your suffering through pain, ailments. and disease.  We want to share
with you many ways to overcome most problems
which can and do occur in our several families
before tragedy strikes.

Most times, we are limited to the given knowledge shared with us as advice from professionals. These professionals are relying solely on what they have been taught, on their own opinion or on the opinions of another colleague; they give resolve for a remedy, an ailment, a sickness, 
or pain with no improvement or healing.
Pain and ailments come which may affect us, and our loved ones. However, this advice may  
equal to your never having a true fix on the problem, the sickness, or the ailment that 
 you encounter.
For lack of personal know-how; you follow these instructions of others; wherein the blind may be leading the blind.  
On the other hand, this knowledge may have already passed down through your family lineage as Natural Healing Home Medicinals and they 
 really work as a result of eating the right foods with 

We must begin to rely on the fact that Natural Healing is made possible by following the rules of exactness through thousands of years of naturally prepared potions, stews, concoctions,  and remedies.  You could find yourself
completely relieved of the problematic processes of reactions to a  virus,  sickness, infections, 
and even pain;   if you would only believe.   You will come to know this;  if you entertain your personal abilities through  

Most of us are not aware that there is "Nothing new under the Sun", to quote King Solomon; one of the Ancient Noble Royal Families.   There will always seem to be newness; simply based on your self-awareness.  So, as it relates to sickness, situations, and problems that may come, in the end;  they will go. More than likely, we have forgotten most of what we've, no doubt, been taught.  Somewhere down the line;  we were taught at home, in school, or mysteriously innately;
but, believe me, we've been taught. 

In the past few months, I have written to you about taking a stand in correcting some things 
in your daily lives relative to eating habits; suggesting that you Drink Tea, 
and ultimately about making changes
in how you treat your body.  If you don't cook, you may not be aware 
of how important it is to include
in what you eat each day.

In the wake of Dr. Sebi; his advice, his valuable opinions, and his
his specific instructions;
I strongly suggest to you, now:  Connect with someone who has the knowledge of the true 
value of using your
for your body's sake.
Learn:   "know yourself"

Sis 'U'
Jean Lee

Friday, April 17, 2020

Spiced Shrimp

Spiced Shrimp

What is spiced shrimp?
Spicy garlic shrimp are simply cooked in a pan with olive oil, garlic, lemon zest and juice, parsley and red pepper flakes. You can easily adjust the heat level by using more or less of the red pepper flakes. I often reserve some of the shrimp without pepper flakes for the kids and then spice up the adult portions.May 31, 2016, 
online ,google; 4/17/2020

Your Herbal Advisor

Your Herbal Advisor

Sister 'U'


I hope to be an 'Herbal Voice' for you, now and many years to come; steering 

you into Wellness.

There are nestled away various abstracts of old which I sometimes wonder about; 

some times rather lengthy, and some ever so briefly.

However, as I research; daily, 

I've pondered over sorted manageries;

all-the-while unveiling and unraveling 

metaphors, parallels, myths, and mainly mysticals


dibbles and dabbles

into factuals

Yo' Nigra Natura Oscura

Follow me;  If you dare

Sis 'U'

Monday, April 13, 2020

Living a long time

Living a long time

Image result for living a long time
Here are some seemingly odd ways that centenarians and supercentenarians (a person who lives at least 110 years) claimed helped them live such a long time.
  3. BUTT OUT. ...
  4. EAT  ...
  5. BOOZE IT UP. ...


Health Benefits: Okra

Health Benefits:  Okra 08/07/2024,